Check out Sara Mlakars subnetTALK „Design of Odd Interaction Concepts (OINC)“ from the 18th of Ocotber on youtube! WATCH NOW: Subnet Talk | Sara Mlakar | FS1 –…
@HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg “3 Hz – 3 THz” TALK: Radio technology offers a glimpse into an, by…
„They say AI can detect hidden illnesses“: On digital tansformation and critical literacy TALK:While artists have been exploring the critical aspects of artificial intelligence in depth since the…
May I introduce: IZMP! Welcome to the Language Lab. TALK:What if an Integration Center were to sonicate „foreign“ plants with language and behavioral courses? What if integration values…
HYPERPOETICS AND THE ALGORITUAL (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2023 on the topic of „all inclusive“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology. TALKDepart constructs audiovisual worlds…
Thank you for the many high quality submissions.We are very happy that the subnetAIR program finds such strong resonance. Jury StatementThe jury recommends Liv Hui Laam Tsim for…