NEW subnetVIDEO online: subnetTALK: LITTO / aka DANIELA WEISS

Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:Artificial Museum – we came to stay and reclaim public space for art.The public space is becoming more and…

subnetTALK: REBECCA MERLIC | Wednesday, December 11th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)

@ HCI – Division for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:Rebecca Merlic’s subnetTALK „co-creative Worldbuilding“ will focus on inclusive worldbuilding through game engines, exploring…


Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:shapeshifting matter for an unstable universeshapeshifting matter for an unstable universe is a multifaceted artistic project that challenges taxonomies…

THANK YOU: subnetAIR CALL_2025 (Deadline, October 31st) has ended!

Thank you so much for all your great applications! We will get back to you no later than December 15th. If you missed this years call try again…

New Video: subnetEXHIBITION | The Mutability of Memories and Fates | ANNA DUMITRIU

Watch now the full Video of our subnetEXHIBITION The Mutability of Memories and Fates, an exhibition between art and science, which took place at the Schmiede Hallein from…

subnetTALK: LITTO / aka DANIELA WEISS | Wednesday, November 13th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)

@ HCI – Division for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:Artificial Museum – we came to stay and reclaim public space for art.The public…

MediaART CALL 2025

Salzburg Stadt + subnet Residency + Grant – für/for 2025 – Frist/till: 31. Okt./Oct. 31. 2024 == German first – English below. == Projektentwicklungsstipendium für Kunstschaffende aus dem Bereich…

APPLY NOW: subnetAIR CALL_2025 (Deadline, October 31st)

Four artist in residence/micro grant slots for 2025 are open till October 31st (annual call). Apply and come to work with us and at the Center for Human Computer…

subnetTALK: DANIELA BRILL ESTRADA| Wednesday, October 23rd | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)

@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:shapeshifting matter for an unstable universeshapeshifting matter for an unstable universe is a multifaceted…

NEW subnetVIDEO online: subnetTALK auf der Schmiede: STEPHANIE MEISL

Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:„Wie wirklich ist die digitale Wirklichkeit? Wenn neue Technologien neue Welten erschaffen“ untersucht die vielfältigen Aspekte der digitalen Realitäten,…