Preis für Games und interaktive, digitale Mediengestaltung im künstlerischen Kontext 2025 Die Stadt Salzburg schreibt 2025 zum zweiten Mal den Preis für Games und interaktive, digitale Mediengestaltung im…
Die Stadt Salzburg schreibt für 2025 erneut sechs Stipendien für Einzelkünstler*innen in Höhe von je € 1.500,– für einen AIR Auslandsaufenthalt der eigenen Wahl aus. Einsendeschluss: bis spätestens 3….
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:Rebecca Merlic’s subnetTALK „co-creative Worldbuilding“ will focus on inclusive worldbuilding through game engines, exploring the representation of marginalized communities. Merlic’s…
it’s our pleasure to welcome Serendipitous Space: Alexandra Reichart and Matthias Krauß to our subnetAIR program 2025! As every year, a mixture of local and international artistic positions…
it’s our pleasure to welcome Stefanie Schröder to our subnetAIR program 2025! As every year, a mixture of local and international artistic positions has been sought out. The…
it’s our pleasure to welcome Yeosulme Kang and Jaehwa Baek (a.k.a. Sulme & Jae-Nder Fluid to our subnetAIR program 2025! As every year, a mixture of local and…
it’s our pleasure to welcome Niloufar Shirani to our subnetAIR program 2025! As every year, a mixture of local and international artistic positions has been sought out. The…
it’s our pleasure to welcome Amanda Bennetts to the MediaArt Salzburg residency November 3rd-27th 2025! The jury states: „Amanda Bennett’s project proposal and her artistic practice demonstrate a…
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:Artificial Museum – we came to stay and reclaim public space for art.The public space is becoming more and…