Schlagwort: subnetTALK 2022
SOUNDS OF A TROUBLED WORLD’S = UNDERWATER INTERCEPTION OF AQUAFORMING (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research,…
IMMUNOLOGY AND ART, A LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be…
RADICAL WITNESSING AND THE POLITICS OF SCALE(Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be…
EMERGENT SPACES (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be the first HybridTALK (Zoom &…
Art-science collaborations(Vortragssprache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 zum Thema „Lust“Einblick und Dialog im Spannungsfeld: Kunst, Forschung, Technologie. TALKWhat do artists and scientists when they work together on projects? Why are artist-in-residence…