Jana De Troyer, our third subnetAIR 2022, worked in October at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction on her project ||: Focus – Distraction :||. Take a look at…
After four productive weeks, our subnetAIR Jana De Troyer will speak about her project and the results at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction.Come and join us! Project: „||:…
RADICAL WITNESSING AND THE POLITICS OF SCALE(Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be…
CRUSHES AND CRASHES THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE(Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be held…
EMERGENT SPACES (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be the first HybridTALK (Zoom &…
Thank you for the many high quality submissions. We are very happy that the subnetAIR program finds such strong resonance. The subnetAIRs 2022 are: Jana De Troyer ||:…