Kategorie: subnetTALKSeite 11 von 13

subnetTALK: Irene Posch // Computer & Craft // 11.11

Topic: Computer / Craft Speaker: Irene Posch  Irene Posch is a researcher and artist, currently working at the University for Applied Arts and at the Institute for Design…

subnetTALK: Sonja Bäumel 14/10

Topic: Refashioning the microbial body Speaker: Sonja Bäumel The interest in Sonja’s ongoing research and creative process, lies in the human body and the unexpected diversity of the…

subnetTALK: Video Günter Seyfried

Topic: DIY Biology and Bioart Speaker: Günter Seyfried This subnetTALK took place in May. The presentation was about art and citizen science projects anticipating a technological upheaval due to

subnet TALK: Karla Spiluttini 10/06

Topic: Material Practices Speaker: Karla Spiluttini Künstlerische Tätigkeit an den Grenzen zwischen wissenschaftlichem Forschen und freiem ästhetischem formalistischem Gestalten. Karlas Werke finden ihre Inspiration in den open cultures…

subnetTALK: Günter Seyfried 13/05

Topic: DIY Biology and Bioart Speaker: Günter Seyfried The presentation will be about art and citizen science projects anticipating a technological upheaval due to the progress in Synthetic…

subnetTALK: Video Ricardo O’Nascimento

Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…

subnetTALK: Ricardo O’Nascimento 15/04

Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…

subnetTALK: Video Anja Hertenberger

TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…

subnetTALK: Video Jasper von Loenen

  You missed Jaspers subnetTALK? Watch it now! DIY: Everyone draws inspiration form other works, and when working with code you often use snippets written by others. So…

subnet TALK: Video Dokus 2015

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