subnetTALK: Montag, 23.07., 19:00, Bibliothek Schloss Leopoldskron


TOPIC: The Age of Engagement: empowering citizens in the global public sphere

We live in an age of unparalleled connectivity, choice and mobility, yet at the same time we are faced with information fatigue, complexity and interdependent global challenges. How can citizens make sense of today’s world? Why and how do we choose to engage or disengage – not just with politics and public affairs, but also with each other? Is “engagement” replacing the established institutions and processes of liberal democracies? Is global citizenship the only way forward? And what, precisely, is the role of the media in all this?

Dr Roman Gerodimos is a Senior Lecturer in Global Current Affairs in the Media School at Bournemouth University. He holds an MSc in Government (LSE) and a PhD in Political Communication (Bournemouth).