@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,
Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg

It’s our pleasure to welcome Pavel Ruzyak! Wednesday July 3rd he will present his project and talk about his work.

Pavel Ruzyak about his project:
Since 2017, I have, as a film-maker, led initiatives under a Prague association Osvěta z.s. which develops a training of film-making accessible for visually impaired people, especially of the youngsters. This project was tested at Jaroslav Ježek Special School for the blind in Prague and at A. Klar Special High School for the blind in Prague as well. We also implement this initiative at general schools through workshops aimed at bringing young people closer to their visually impaired peers through creation. We have organized such events not only in the Czech Republic (for example, with the support of Caritas Prague at Summer Film School in Uherské Hradiště or at Scout Institute with the support of Via Foundation), but also abroad, developed through an incubator SOFA internationally. The innovative project I would like to work on during the residency relates to research of technological solutions related to a new film camera for the blind people. I would like to, with local experts, to redesign an interactive camera with which blind people can create their short videos more independently. It means simplifying the design of a regular camera, but above all, it is about the inner software. Such camera software should shape an AI responsive camera, a kind of creative chatbot integrated into a responsive hardware to create films with AI assistance that will partly substitute the eyesight in the creative filming process. This would use image-to-voice transfer, objects AI recognition, voice control of the device, voice AI assistance and others.

Pavel Ruzyak is living in Prague, the Czech Republic. He studied at Babelsberg Film University in Germany and at film school FAMU in Prague, department of film directing and graduated in 2016. He has directed fiction films and documentaries, short and middle length. His films were screened in competition in international film festivals in Europe. Moreover, he has been selected to international film workshops, labs and pitches. His latest works are feature film projects with a topic of contemporary social trends. Apart from the artistic career, he has been active in volunteering, social issues, youth politics and international relations. He has a good knowledge of languages and cultural issues.

picture credit: Pavel Ruzyak „The Love Unseen“ (2019)
Vortragssprache: EN

subnetAIR 2024 on the topic of „community“.
Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology. www.subnet.at subnetAIR is a cooperation between the Center for Human Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg) and subnet.