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subnetAIR | Meet Kanari Shirao | Sep.1st

We will begin Kanari Shirao’s residency with an informal artist talk. Thursday September 1st | 19:30 Center for Human-Computer Interaction Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 5020 Salzburg More information about the…

subnetAIR 2017: The Artists will be!

We are happy to announce that we have subnetAIRs 2017. Thank you very much for the many applications we have received for 2017. We are very excited about…

Video Digital Spring 2016: ARTIVISM

English: „Artivism“ (art & activism) was the motto of the first edition of the biennial media art festival „digital spring“, an initiative of ARGEkultur and subnet, which focused…

subnetTALK: Christina Lammer 15/06

TALK: HAND ON HEART: Performing Surgery       SPEAKER: Christina Lammer DATE: Wednesday June 15th TALK In “Hand on Heart” I focus on a 16 mm short movie of…

subnetTALK: Lucie Strecker 11/05

TALK The Performative Biofact- Biotechnology and the Performing Arts
. This subnetTalk focuses on the relationship between ecology and performance, which has influenced theories of action/reaction, audience/player, somatic techniques,…

SuperCollider: Workshop mit Christoph Kummerer 04/05

  SuperCollider Subnet-Einführungsworkshop mit Christoph Kummerer in Real-Time Sound-Synthese und algorithmische Komposition. Mittwoch, 4.5. 2016, 16:00-19:00. 
Center for Human-Computer-Interaction, Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, Salzburg Unkostenbeitrag: 20 € Subnet lädt zu…

subnetAIR: Call 2017

(for English version see below) Details Wann: 2017 – max. 6 Wochen pro KünstlerIn zwischen Feb-Juli, September-November Wo:, Salzburg Wieviel: 1000 € für jede subnetAIR Einheit Bewerbung:…

subnetTALK: Alexander Murer 13/04

Speaker: Alexander Murer 
 Talk: Biohacking & Biohackerspaces In den letzten Jahren hat sich in der molekularen Biologie und Gentechnik eine kleine Revolution aufgetan: Weltweit, auch in Österreich,…

Oster-Hackfestspiele in Salzburg

Quelle: „Der Easterhegg wird dieses Jahr vom Chaostreff Salzburg und Mitgliedern des Developers Lab of Linz in Kooperation mit der ARGEkultur Salzburg in Salzburg ausgerichtet. Der jährliche Easterhegg…

subnetAIR: 1st documentation Robert B. Lisek TO BRAIN – VR_MODULATOR Robert B. Lisek: „In BB-Psycho-Modulator project I am using a brain-machine interface (BMI), which reads the activity of cerebral cortex that is subsequently…