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Film, Talk & Musik: Sonntag, 06.03.2016, 17:00 Uhr Erstes Screening der refugee.tv-reports auf großer Leinwand! Anschließend politischer Talk, musikalische Einlagen & Party mit DJ. In der ARGEkultur, Saal…
„The Center for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is an interdisciplinary research group within the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg. Established in 2005 as research unit…
Games Workshop Salzburg & eSports@fh-salzburg present: LudeCat – Indie-Game Zehnkampf! Ihr wollt mit ein paar Freunden gegen andere Gruppen im Indie-Game Zehnkampf antreten oder einfach nur neue Spiele…
Topic: DIY Biology and Bioart Speaker: Günter Seyfried The presentation will be about art and citizen science projects anticipating a technological upheaval due to the progress in Synthetic…
Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…
Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…
Thomas Grill was one of our Artists in Residence 2014. Parts of his project „World construction, variation: jars of sound“ were presented in an exhibition during the P3…
TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…
TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…
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