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Refugee.tv’s digital spring | 06. März

Film, Talk & Musik: Sonntag, 06.03.2016, 17:00 Uhr Erstes Screening der refugee.tv-reports auf großer Leinwand! Anschließend politischer Talk, musikalische Einlagen & Party mit DJ. In der ARGEkultur, Saal…

subnetAIR Partner: The Center for HCI Salzburg

„The Center for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is an interdisciplinary research group within the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg. Established in 2005 as research unit…

LudeCat – Indie-Game Zehnkampf! 01.Dez.15

Games Workshop Salzburg & eSports@fh-salzburg present: LudeCat – Indie-Game Zehnkampf! Ihr wollt mit ein paar Freunden gegen andere Gruppen im Indie-Game Zehnkampf antreten oder einfach nur neue Spiele…

subnetTALK: Günter Seyfried 13/05

Topic: DIY Biology and Bioart Speaker: Günter Seyfried The presentation will be about art and citizen science projects anticipating a technological upheaval due to the progress in Synthetic…

subnetTALK: Video Ricardo O’Nascimento

Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…

subnetTALK: Ricardo O’Nascimento 15/04

Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…

subnet AIR: „jars of sound“ / Thomas Grill

Thomas Grill was one of our Artists in Residence 2014. Parts of his project „World construction, variation: jars of sound“ were presented in an exhibition during the P3…

subnetTALK: Video Anja Hertenberger

TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…

subnet TALK: Anja Hertenberger 11/3

TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…

subnet TALK: Video Dokus 2015

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