Jana De Troyer, our third subnetAIR 2022, worked in October at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction on her project ||: Focus – Distraction :||. Take a look at…
Einsendeschluss: 10. Februar 2023 Nähere Infos unter: Auslandsstipendium AIRStip 2023 für alle Kunstsparten —-German first – English below —- Zweck/Intention:Der Zweck der AIRStips der Stadt Salzburg ( 6x 1.500…
Thank you for the many high quality submissions.We are very happy that the subnetAIR program finds such strong resonance. Jury StatementThe jury recommends Liv Hui Laam Tsim for…
Martina Fröschl, one of our subnetAIRs 2022, worked in September on her project „Fly… – Butterfly“ at Schmiede Hallein.Take a look at Matthias Grubers‘ video documentation. This subnetAIR…
Wir gratulieren unserem Obmann, Multimedia-Experte und Forscher Marius Schebella und der bildenden Künstlerin Gertrud Fischbacher für den Erhalt des Förderpreises für Wissenschaft und Forschung im Rahmen der Salzburger…
Frist: 10. Februar 2023 —German first – English below— Im Rahmen des AIR – artists-in-residence Programms der Stadt Salzburg in Kooperation mit Kultur i Halland wird 2023 ein…
SOUNDS OF A TROUBLED WORLD’S = UNDERWATER INTERCEPTION OF AQUAFORMING (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research,…
Before we’re looking forward, we’re looking back at 2022.Take a look at Matthias Grubers‘ video of Corrie Francis Parks, one of our subnetAIRs 2022 and MediaART grant of the city…
IMMUNOLOGY AND ART, A LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP (Vortragsspache: EN) subnetTALK 2022 on the topic of „Lust“.Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology.This subnetTALK will be…