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Details (English version below) Wann: 2016, 3×6 Wochen in den Zeiträumen Feb-April, Mai-Juli, September-November Wo:, Salzburg Wieviel: 1000 € für jede subnetAIR Einheit. Bewerbungen sollen nicht länger…
Topic: wearable technology / beyond gadgets Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier on technology. Big amounts of money are being invested on devices that promise…
Thomas Grill was one of our Artists in Residence 2014. Parts of his project „World construction, variation: jars of sound“ were presented in an exhibition during the P3…
Nikolas Psaroudakis was one of our Artists in Residence 2014. Parts of his project Lazy Buddhist were developed in Salzburg (August/September 2014). At subnet, research and
Thema: Social Media Content Marketing Leitung: Boom Creative Lab / Lisa Brandstötter (Founder and Social Media Consultant) Was versteht man unter Content Marketing? Wie findet man…
TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…
Ausschreibung Landespreis für Medienkunst 2015 Zur Förderung von Projekten im Bereich Medienkunst vergibt das Land Salzburg jährlich einen Preis in Höhe von € 10.000. Partner des Landes…
TALK: e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium SPEAKER: Anja Hertenberger Anja is interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art,…
You missed Jaspers subnetTALK? Watch it now! DIY: Everyone draws inspiration form other works, and when working with code you often use snippets written by others. So…
INSTAGRAM MARKETING INTRO Mit über 300 Millionen aktiven Nutzern pro Monat zählt Instagram zu einer der beliebtesten Social Media Plattformen weltweit. In diesem Digital Crash Course lernst du,…