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ENTROPY Roadside Picknick – Пикник на обочине – Picknick am Wegesrand interactive installation and durational performance of absence Thomas J. Jelinek (SE/AT) – artistic concept and direction Jorge Sánchez-Ciong (VE/AT) – sound scape present…
Wir freuen uns sehr auf unsere offenes Roboter Workshop MiniROBOT in Kuchl. vom 31. August bis 2. September können alle Interessierten in den White Noise bzw Kultur Igel Kuchl…
Lucie Strecker forscht künstlerisch im Feld Hybrider Kunst und Performance. Am Institut für Bildende und Mediale Kunst der Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien leitet sie das Elise-Richter-PEEK Projekt…
Time flies and Young Suk Lee is about to leave us. At the end of every subnetAIR residency we ask the subnetAIRs to give us a closing presentation,…
Has it been a month already? time flies and Danny Bracken is about to leave us. Wednesday, June 28th, 17:00 Studio 3, Center for Human-Computer Interaction Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8,…
Danny Bracken has arrived so it is time to meet our newest artist. Wednesday, June 7th, 17:00 Studio 3, Center for Human-Computer Interaction Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, Techno 5 5020 Salzburg…
subnetAIR Young Suk Lee is resident artist at the Center from May to July 2017. Get to know her during her “meet the artist” talk. She will give a general overview…
TALK The lecture-performance will focus on the hedonic auditory body framing digital worlds, on sound-gestures as emotional interfaces creating adaptive environments shaped by soundscapes. Performative samples of auditory…
TALK 2010 entstand in Vöcklabruck das erste OTELO, das offene Technologielabor. Dieser kommunale Kreativ- und Freiraum war 2014 der ideale Rahmen und Humus um mit neuen Formen von…