it’s our pleasure to announce the following speakers to our subnetTALK SPRING 2025 program! As every year, a mixture of local and international speakers and topics has been…
@ HCI – Division for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:„Explore The Unthinkable“For centuries, we have been following rational thinking in the Cartesian style….
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:Rebecca Merlic’s subnetTALK „co-creative Worldbuilding“ will focus on inclusive worldbuilding through game engines, exploring the representation of marginalized communities. Merlic’s…
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:Artificial Museum – we came to stay and reclaim public space for art.The public space is becoming more and…
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:shapeshifting matter for an unstable universeshapeshifting matter for an unstable universe is a multifaceted artistic project that challenges taxonomies…
@ HCI – Division for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:Artificial Museum – we came to stay and reclaim public space for art.The public…
@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:shapeshifting matter for an unstable universeshapeshifting matter for an unstable universe is a multifaceted…
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK„How real is digital reality? When New Technologies Create New Worlds“ examines the multiple aspects of digital realities created…
@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein TALK:„How real is digital reality? When New Technologies Create New Worlds“ examines the multiple aspects of digital realities created…