Artworks in capsule spaces
(Vortragssprache EN)
subnetTALK 2019 zum Thema „Maschinenkult“
Einblick und Dialog im Spannungsfeld: Kunst, Forschung, Technologie.
subnet 2019 Programm bis November
Throughout her talk, Kirsten Johannsen combines the disciplines of art and human spaceflight. She outlines essential aesthetic parameters for display in works of art going on extended crewed missions. Kirsten proposes that within this research area, novel collaborative working methods should be developed. These methods will integrate the artist into the scientific process and focus on the astronaut as unique audience.
Kirsten Johannsen is an artist, researcher and educator, based in Berlin. In her studio practice, she combines analogue and digital media. She creates interactive environments, objects and photographs through which she initiates an interplay between the recipient and his/her surrounding. Some of her works are part of the art collections of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Museum Ludwig Cologne, and Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Kirsten studied visual communication at the University of the Arts in Berlin, and received a doctoral degree from the University of Plymouth, UK.
Bildcredit: Adib Fricke
Schmiede Hallein, Saline; Pernerinsel
Mauttorproemenade 7, 5400 Hallein
eine Stunde – Imput ca. 20 min, Dialog ca. 40 min.
Einblick und Dialog im Spannungsfeld: Kunst, Forschung, Material.
subnetTALK ist ein offenes Dialogformat. subnet lädt Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen ein, einen Impuls zu Themen im Spannungsfeld Kunst, Material und Forschung zu geben. Dieser Impuls ist Grundlage für den folgenden Dialog. Beides – Impuls wie Dialog werden von FS1 aufgezeichnet und gesendet. Rüdiger Wassibauer moderiert den Dialog.
subnetTALK ist eine Kooperation zwischen dem Center for Human Computer Interaction (Uni Salzburg) und subnet.