Tangible Aesthetics

(Vortragssprache EN)


subnetTALK 2019 zum Thema „Maschinenkult“
Einblick und Dialog im Spannungsfeld: Kunst, Forschung, Technologie.
subnet 2019 Programm bis Juli



Throughout his art practice Matthew Mosher has invited the public to physically engage with his work using the power of human touch. Since Martin Heidegger developed his philosophy of Pheno- menology, designers have applied embodiment to make their projects more meaningful and impactful. This talk will examine how strategies from tangible interaction design can be implemented within the fine arts to create moving experiences for participants, and by doing so empower people to see the world from different perspectives.


Matthew Mosher is an intermedia artist and research professor who creates embodied experiential systems. He received his BFA in Furniture Design from the Rhode Island School of Design and his MFA in Intermedia from Arizona State University. Currently, he is an assistant professor of games and interactive media at the University of Central Florida and a Fulbright Scholar in Austria. His internationally exhibited artworks bridge the physical and digital worlds by mixing computer programming, collaborative practice, and traditional sculpture processes.


fb event

Center for Human Computer Interaction der Universität Salzburg
Techno 5, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg


eine Stunde – Imput ca. 20 min, Dialog ca. 40 min.

Einblick und Dialog im Spannungsfeld:  Kunst, Forschung, Material.

subnetTALK ist ein offenes Dialogformat. subnet lädt Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen ein, einen Impuls zu Themen im Spannungsfeld Kunst, Material und Forschung zu geben. Dieser Impuls ist Grundlage für den folgenden Dialog. Beides – Impuls wie Dialog werden von FS1 aufgezeichnet und gesendet. Rüdiger Wassibauer moderiert den Dialog.

subnetTALK ist eine Kooperation zwischen dem Center for Human Computer Interaction (Uni Salzburg) und subnet.