Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-02 um 09.46.11Topic: Refashioning the microbial body
Speaker: Sonja Bäumel

The interest in Sonja’s ongoing research and creative process, lies in the human body and the unexpected diversity of the human ecosystem, in its ‘social network’ and in our changing perspective on the human body. She is fascinated by those tiny creatures, which we call microbes. We have ten times more bacterial cells than human cells in and on us. If 90 percent of cells that constitute our body are not human but bacterial, how do we have to re-imagine the human and where could this new knowledge lead?

Date: Wed Oct 14th 2015
Time: 7pm
Location: KunstQuartier / Institut für Wissenschaft & Kunst
Bergstrasse 12, Salzburg
Language: English

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