Schlagwort: MedienkunstSeite 2 von 6

subnetAIR – GAURAV PATEKAR | meet the artist talk: Wednesday, 18th | 8 PM

@Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein it’s our pleasure to welcome Gaurav Patekar to the MediaArt Salzburg residency in September 2024! Sept 18th he will talk more about his…

Fri Sept 6th | Workshop with Anna Dumitriu | 4 PM

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein We are pleased to announce the workshop with Anna Dumitriu on Friday September 6th at 4PM at Schmiede Hallein. The number…

subnetAIR – JATUN RISBA | Meet the artist: Wednesday, 18th | 7.30 PM

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein It’s our pleasure to welcome our next subnetAIR Jatun Risba! Wednesday, September 18th, they will present their project and talk about…

subnetTALK auf der Schmiede: STEPHANIE MEISL | Wednesday, Sept 18th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein TALK:„Wie wirklich ist die digitale Wirklichkeit? Wenn neue Technologien neue Welten erschaffen“ untersucht die vielfältigen Aspekte der digitalen Realitäten,…

subnetEXHIBITION opening: The Mutability of Memories and Fates | ANNA DUMITRIU | Thursday, Sept 5th | 6.30 PM

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein Wir laden herzlich ein zur Eröffnung von The Mutability of Memories and Fates, einer Ausstellung zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft…

Preis für interaktive, digitale Mediengestaltung und Games

Auinger: Stadt setzt Impuls bei der Digitalisierung im Kunst- und Kulturbereich Egal ob Virtual Reality, interaktive Installation, interactive fiction oder Spiele für das Smartphone: Zum aller ersten Mal…

BIG subnetNEWS_letter

the newsletter you’ve all been desperately waiting for…but were to shy to ask. To provide you with even more information about our subnetTALKs and subnetAIRs we’ve decided to…

subnetTALKs24: WELCOME!

it’s our pleasure to announce the following speakers to our subnetTALK program 2024! As every year, a mixture of local and international speakers and topics has been sought…


it’s our pleasure to welcome Gaurav Patekar to the MediaArt Salzburg residency in September 2024! The jury recommends Gaurav Patekar for the MediaART Salzburg residency in 2024. His…


it’s our pleasure to welcome Pavel Ruzyak to our subnetAIR program 2024! As every year, a mixture of local and international artistic positions has been sought out. The…