it’s our pleasure to announce the following speakers to our subnetTALK SPRING 2025 program! As every year, a mixture of local and international speakers and topics has been sought out.
MAX HAARICH | April 9th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)
@ HCI Salzburg | Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5, 5020 Salzburg
Max Haarich (he/his) is an artistic researcher with a focus on emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Web3. His works aim to reveal and challenge predominant paradigms to explore the unthinkable. He has studied communication science at RWTH Aachen (DE) and Critical Thinking at the University of the Underground (US). After his studies he researched Artificial Superintelligence at RWTH Aachen and later worked as Manager Communications for Europe’s leading startup center before he quit his job to found the Munich Embassy of the Lithuanian artist republic Užupis. Max Haarich’s works have been exhibited at institutions like Haus der Kunst and Ars Electronica, and have been collected by museums like Francisco Carolinum and MUTA.
Language: EN
PAUL FEIGELFELD | May 21st | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)
@ HCI Salzburg | Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5, 5020 Salzburg
Paul Feigelfeld is a cultural and media scientist. After studying cultural studies and computer science in Berlin, he held various positions at the Center for Digital Cultures Lüneburg, the Art University and the University of Basel, the Strelka Institute Moscow, the University of Applied Arts and the University of Vienna. In 2021-2024 he held the professorship for Knowledge Cultures in the Digital Age at the Institute for Design Research at HBK Braunschweig and is a visiting professor at the Chair of Media Theories at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His work explores transcultural approaches to media and knowledge history, critical perspectives on technologies and their intersections with art and design. He advises and works for art institutions such as the HKW Berlin, Vitra Design Museum and the MAK Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, where he was guest curator of the Vienna Biennale 2019 with “Uncanny Values. Artificial Intelligence & You”.
Language: TBA
GRETTA LOUW | June 4th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)
@ HCI Salzburg | Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5, 5020 Salzburg
Gretta Louw is a South African-born Australian artist, writer, and curator. She received her BA with Honours from the University of Western Australia in 2002, subsequently living in Japan and New Zealand before moving to Germany in 2007. Her work has been exhibited widely in public institutions and galleries such as the Wro Art Center (PL), Honor Fraser Gallery (US), Kunstmuseum Solothurn (CH), Münchner Stadtmuseum (DE), bitforms (US), UNSW Galleries (AUS), LABoral (ESP), and Galeri Nasional Indonesia (IDN). She has received numerous awards including an Australia Council Career Development Grant (2019), a Visual Art Prize from the Cultural Department of the City of Munich (2019), the Bahnwärter Stipendium by the City of Esslingen am Neckar (2017), and the Heinrich Vetter Preis of the City of Mannheim (2014), amongst others. Louw has curated thematic exhibitions at museums including the Villa Merkel (DE), Furtherfield Gallery (UK), and Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery (US) and contributed essays to numerous catalogues and publications. Her artwork and curatorial projects have been covered by press outlets including Hyperallergic, Kunstforum, Motherboard, AQNB Magazine, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and others.
Language: EN
GABRIELLA CHIHAN STANLEY | June 25th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)
@ HCI Salzburg | Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5, 5020 Salzburg
Gabriella Chihan Stanley is the co-founder and CCO of vrisch, as well as the founder of XRVienna, Vienna’s first and biggest XR community. She holds a master’s degree in Digital Arts and has been working as a project and communications manager in the field of technology and advertising since 2002, adding VR to her field of work in 2013. In 2018, Gabriella has been selected as one of Europe’s top 20 Women Founders by Forbes. She’s also the Austrian ambassador of Women in Immersive Tech Europe (WiiT) and an active member of The Female Factor international organizations. Gabs’ inspiration has 3 main sources: mystical books, archery, and obnoxiously childish jokes.
Language: EN
Picture: Max Haarich: Installation view of “Good Buy, Reality I” at Munich’s Kunstinsel (Photo: Jens Hartmann)