@ HCI – Division for Human-Computer Interaction,
Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg
„Explore The Unthinkable“
For centuries, we have been following rational thinking in the Cartesian style. This thinking has transformed our mind into a highly efficient tool with which we can analyze, optimize and exploit everything – but somehow it also forces us to do so. Caught in our rational thinking space, we tackle the biggest problems in human history with the same old reflexes that only bring us closer to extinction. Nevertheless, this Cartesian rational thinking is so omnipresent that we can hardly imagine any other way to perceive and treat reality.
How can we see the world differently? How can we expand our latent space of imagination? How can arts and culture help us expore the unthinkable? And what does of all this have to do with Artificial Super Intelligence?
Max Haarich (he/his) is an artistic researcher with a focus on emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Web3. His works aim to reveal and challenge predominant paradigms to explore the unthinkable. He has studied communication science at RWTH Aachen (DE) and Critical Thinking at the University of the Underground (US). After his studies he researched Artificial Superintelligence at RWTH Aachen and later worked as Manager Communications for Europe’s leading startup center before he quit his job to found the Munich Embassy of the Lithuanian artist republic Užupis. Max Haarich’s works have been exhibited at institutions like Haus der Kunst and Ars Electronica, and have been collected by museums like Francisco Carolinum and MUTA.
More about Max Haarich
Language: EN
Picture credit: Lambert Strehlke
subnetTALK 2025 on the topic of „vision“.
Insight and dialogue in the field of tension: art, research, technology. www.subnet.at
subnetTALK is a cooperation between the Division for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg) and subnet.