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subnetAIR – GAURAV PATEKAR | exit talk: Wednesday, 25th | 6 PM

@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg Gaurav Patekar’s time in Salzburg is coming to an end. Sept 25th he will…

subnetAIR – GAURAV PATEKAR | meet the artist talk: Wednesday, 18th | 8 PM

@Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein it’s our pleasure to welcome Gaurav Patekar to the MediaArt Salzburg residency in September 2024! Sept 18th he will talk more about his…

Fri Sept 6th | Workshop with Anna Dumitriu | 4 PM

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein We are pleased to announce the workshop with Anna Dumitriu on Friday September 6th at 4PM at Schmiede Hallein. The number…

subnetAIR – JATUN RISBA | Meet the artist: Wednesday, 18th | 7.30 PM

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein It’s our pleasure to welcome our next subnetAIR Jatun Risba! Wednesday, September 18th, they will present their project and talk about…

subnetTALK @ Schmiede: STEPHANIE MEISL | Wednesday, Sept 18th | 6 PM (open doors 5 PM)

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein TALK:„How real is digital reality? When New Technologies Create New Worlds“ examines the multiple aspects of digital realities created…

subnetEXHIBITION opening: The Mutability of Memories and Fates | ANNA DUMITRIU | Thursday, Sept 5th | 6.30 PM

@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein Wir laden herzlich ein zur Eröffnung von The Mutability of Memories and Fates, einer Ausstellung zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft…


Einreichfrist: 30. September 2024 Auslandsatelierstipendien ACCRA, HELSINKI, LONDON, NEW YORK,PARIS, SEOUL, TOKIO und VILNIUS für bildende Kunst, Fotografie und Medienkunst im Jahr 2026 Zweck/Intention: Die Kunst- und Kulturszene…

MiniSchmiede Hallein (28. – 29. September 2024) – jetzt anmelden!

Ihr seid zwischen 8 und 11 Jahre alt und wolltet immer schon mal euren eigenen Tanz- oder Kampfroboter bauen? Kommt zur MiniSchmiede Hallein 2024! Bitte das AnmeldungsPDF ausdrucken…

subnetAIR – Pavel Ruzyak, exitTALK: wed, July 10th , 6pm

@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg After some productive weeks, our subnetAIR Pavel Ruzyak will speak about his project and…


Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK:Human-Centered innovation communities in the digital realmArtistic and scientific practice tends to be at the forefront in highlighting and…