Four artist in residence/micro grant slots for 2025 are open till October 31st (annual call). Apply and come to work with us and at the Center for Human Computer…
@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg TALK:shapeshifting matter for an unstable universeshapeshifting matter for an unstable universe is a multifaceted…
Watch now the new Video of our latest subnetTALK: TALK„How real is digital reality? When New Technologies Create New Worlds“ examines the multiple aspects of digital realities created…
@HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg Jatun Risbas time at subnet is coming to an end. Wednesday, September 25th, they will…
@ HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction,Techno-Z Salzburg Bauteil V, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg Gaurav Patekar’s time in Salzburg is coming to an end. Sept 25th he will…
@Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein it’s our pleasure to welcome Gaurav Patekar to the MediaArt Salzburg residency in September 2024! Sept 18th he will talk more about his…
@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein We are pleased to announce the workshop with Anna Dumitriu on Friday September 6th at 4PM at Schmiede Hallein. The number…
@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline,Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein It’s our pleasure to welcome our next subnetAIR Jatun Risba! Wednesday, September 18th, they will present their project and talk about…
@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein TALK:„How real is digital reality? When New Technologies Create New Worlds“ examines the multiple aspects of digital realities created…
@ Schmiede Hallein, Saline, Pernerinsel, Mauttorpromenade 7, 5400 Hallein Wir laden herzlich ein zur Eröffnung von The Mutability of Memories and Fates, einer Ausstellung zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft…