Kategorie: callSeite 2 von 6

APPLY NOW: subnetAIR CALL_2025 (Deadline, October 31st)

Four artist in residence/micro grant slots for 2025 are open till October 31st (annual call). Apply and come to work with us and at the Center for Human Computer…


Einreichfrist: 30. September 2024 Auslandsatelierstipendien ACCRA, HELSINKI, LONDON, NEW YORK,PARIS, SEOUL, TOKIO und VILNIUS für bildende Kunst, Fotografie und Medienkunst im Jahr 2026 Zweck/Intention: Die Kunst- und Kulturszene…

APPLY NOW: Schmiede 2024: regular application open for ONE MORE WEEK

Since 2003, every year, an abandoned industrial salt refinery on an island in Hallein, Austria, opens up, for ten days, to host around 300 Smiths and their ideas. We physically…

feralAIR till May 31st

Come to Hallein and work with the Smiths at the Saline. Schmiede offers an open residency + project development grant in Hallein for artists / makers, work space…

AkademieAIR: Sloth – till May 31st

Schmiede calling: Write with us Akademie YslandBook 2024: Sloth 1000€ Project GrantWriting/BookContributionSeptember Hallein/AustriaDeadline May 31st English below  Auch 2024 bietet die Akademie Hallein ein AIR Programm. take a…

OPEN CALL – AI and Art -Traklhaus Salzburg

After spending the past years touring AI stages all around Steph and David will AI Traklhaus next year. D#AVANTGARDE and the Kunst im Traklhaus invites artists to submit their works for…

THANK YOU: subnetAIR CALL_2024 (Deadline, October 31st) has ended!

Thank you so much for all your great applications! We will get back to you no later than December 1st. If you missed this years call try again…

APPLY NOW: subnetAIR CALL_2024 (Deadline, October 31st)

Four artist in residence/micro grant slots for 2024 are open till October 31st (annual call). Apply and come to work with us and at the Center for Human Computer…

subnetAIR CALL_2024 (Deadline, October 31st)

Four artist in residence/micro grant slots for 2024 are open till October 31st (annual call). Apply and come to work with us and at the Center for Human Computer…

2023 feiert der Kunstraum im Traklhaus sein 50-jähriges Bestehen.

Zu diesem Anlass hat das Land Salzburg eine grosse Ausschreibung, Volumen 100.000 Euro, initiiert. Frist: 30. Mai 2023 Einreichberechtigt sind Personen, die einem der folgenden Kriterien entsprechen (bei Gruppen muss…