Exploring Bio-digital Convergence in Art (Vortragssprache EN)

linkedin.com/in/julianstadon | vimeo.com/julianstadon


This talk introduces a range of projects that focus on how art can better our understandings of biological augmentation, post-biological identity and the relationship between embodied data, data bodies and the Anthropocene. Studying Marine Biology, Fine Arts and a Master of Electronic Art, Stadon’s current PhD research focuses on how art can better our understandings of identity, augmentation, post-biological identity, the relationship between embodied data and data bodies and the Anthropocene and this talk will focus on these more recent projects.


Julian Stadon is a UK based Australian artist/designer/curator/researcher/educator, Head of Digital Media Design at the University of Hertfordshire, Subject Leader in Innovative Media Practice at London College of Fashion, Lecturer at Fachhochschule Salzburg and Director of marart.org. His projects have been published and exhibited by organisations including Ars Electronica, ISEA, NASA, Symantech, BMW, IEEE, ARToolkit, The Bosnian National Archive, Residenz Galerie, Wikitude, Intel, IBM, Lumen, Pachube, BNMI, Fukuoka City Museum, The Royal Science Institute Australia, HITLab NZ, The BNMI, Media Art Histories, NOMAD Australia, The House of Vans, The Tate, Gucci and Stella McCartney.



Center for Human Computer Interaction der Universität Salzburg
Techno 5, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg


eine Stunde – Impus ca. 20 min, Dialog ca. 40 min.

Einblick und Dialog im Spannungsfeld:  Kunst, Forschung, Material.

subnetTALK ist ein offenes Dialogformat. subnet lädt Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen ein, einen Impuls zu Themen im Spannungsfeld Kunst, Material und Forschung zu geben. Dieser Impuls ist Grundlage für den folgenden Dialog. Beides – Impuls wie Dialog werden von FS1 aufgezeichnet und gesendet. Rüdiger Wassibauer moderiert den Dialog.

subnetTALK ist eine Kooperation zwischen dem Center for Human Computer Interaction (Uni Salzburg) und subnet.

Follow the links to see the past. subnetTALK(s) –  vimeo.com (2011 – 2017)